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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Psalm 135:3

"Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good: sing praises unto his name for it is pleasant."

In the first part of this verse it says to "Praise the Lord..." This should be an everyday and ongoing thing in our lives, no matter how tough you think you have it. We need to praise the Lord and lift up his name for all of the good things he has done for us, instead of only praying when we need him to fix something. We always look past all of the small things he has given us just because most everyone has the same things. We are lucky to have what we do.

Not only should we praise him for what he has done, but it also says "...sing praises unto his name..." This is a lot easier said than done. Most songs we sing today aren't in any way Godly and are more bad than good. And not only do we sing these songs more, but we also sing them with more heart and spirit than we do the songs that are about God. Even though we think nothing of this, in His eyes it must hurt. We need to sing within our hearts more on what is truly important, God. He is the whole reason for us being here and he cares and knows each of us better than anyone ever could imagine. Anything/Anyone else isn't more worthy to be sung to or about.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Everyone is faced with struggles and obstacles in their life, but luckily we have a caring and wonderful God. He gives us the ability to keep on going and percervier. Also, he is always there and just a prayer away.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bored In Class

Bored in class... It's a problem we all face, but the ways we choose to react may vary. Here I am to tell you the proper way to be bored in class. First things first, you need to be bored in class. Stay up and listen. Now that you are bored, I'll teach you how to do it "in class" ;) see what I did there (you'll catch on later if not already). Well to be in class you must be dress sharply. "How do you dress sharply?" you ask. Well for a guy you obviously need a tuxedo and for women well a fancy dress with million dollar pearls hanging on your neck would suffice. "How do you get these things if your are in class?" This is actually very simple. You take paper, preferably white, but notebook paper will do, and you start to use your kindergarten crafting skills. Now the easy part is making the tuxedo and dress, and if you are feeling majestic you can add various colors. After you have created the masterpiece, you use tape to connect the pieces. Now for the tricky part... The pearls. You must crumple many balls, whatever size you want. Then you poke holes in them with your pencil and feed a thin piece of paper through the holes, but it must be long enough to wrap around your neck. The secret is Tape Tape Tape. Follow these steps and you can be Bored "In Class."